Rainwater Harvesting Tank
The rainwater harvesting tank is the core of rainwater harvesting system because it is the place where the collected rainwater is stored for later use. Depending on the system you installed, the rainwater harvesting tank can be an above ground tank or an underground tank. The above ground tank is much easier to be installed and maintained since digging a hole is not required as in the case of the underground rainwater harvesting system tank. However, the above ground tank could take up a lot of space and some resident area could not provide the space needed to place the tank.
The rainwater harvesting tank comes in a variety of sizes. The size of the tank should be chosen based on your daily water usage and to what degree you will use the collected rainwater for your daily needs. If you wish to depend on the rainwater harvesting and filtration system rather than the tap water that you pay monthly, we recommend a big storage tank because it could collect and store more rainwater. Moreover, a large volume of storage tank means you can collect a large volume of rainwater during raining season and the collected rainwater can be used during the dry season.
Maximize Rainwater Usage
Malaysia is known to have only two seasons throughout the year, the dry and wet season. It is very important to know the time and duration of these two seasons so that you can plan the use of the collected rainwater in the tank such as for irrigation system, sprinkler system, or water feature. Apart from that, getting the knowledge of the rainfall volume in your residential area is an advantage so that you can maximize the rainwater harvesting ability of the installed system.
Clear Your Doubts Instantly!
If you are unsure of which type and size of rainwater harvesting tank that is suitable for your home, you can contact us to obtain more information and we can help you to pair the most suitable tank with your needs. Besides, we also have designers and engineers that will be happy to help you with the rainwater harvesting system design whether it is to be fitted with a filtration system or for drinking water purpose if you are looking for one to be installed in your home. We ensure that you will obtain a quality and affordable rainwater harvesting system that will definitely meet your household needs.