Rainwater Harvesting System

Every Drop Counts!

Rainwater harvesting, in its broadest sense, is a technology used for collecting rainwater from rooftops, land surfaces or rock catchments and further storing it for domestic uses. Practiced for more than 4000 years, rainwater is a vital water source in many areas with significant rainfall but lacking in conventional centralized supply system.

Global Population Growth

Rainwater HarvestingAt the time of this writing, the rapidly increasing population and the issue of supplying adequate water to meet the global societal needs and to ensure equity in access to water is one of the urgent and significant challenges faced by decision-makers. The recent population forecasts from United Nations indicated that under a medium-fertility scenario, global population is likely to peak at about 8.9 billion in 2050. Bearing in mind that many natural resources such as water and soil are already being exploited beyond their limits in some regions, it is fair to conclude that significant proactive effort is necessary for meeting the needs of an additional three billion people on this planet.

With respect to the physical alternatives to fulfill sustainable management of freshwater, there are essentially two solutions boiled down which is either to seek new alternative water resources by means of conventional centralized approaches or better and efficiently utilizing the existing natural water resources which in this case the rainwater. To date, much attention has been given to the first option but only a limited attention is given to the latter option.

The Global Water Crisis

Rapid population growth globally combined with urbanization, industrialization, agricultural intensification and water-intensive lifestyle is a sure recipe for an imminent global water crisis. An estimated staggering 20 percent of the population currently lacks safe drinking water while a whopping 50 percent lacks access to a safe sanitation system. Rainwater harvesting system for drinking water can help to provide sustainable relief to this global issue.

Global Water Crisis

Falling water tables are already adversely affecting agricultural harvests in some countries including China, the world largest grain producer. Since the global freshwater supply cannot be possibly increased, without a sustainable alternative way to conserve water, the dropping agricultural harvest will certainly reach a tipping point where it can no longer sustain the additional population demand.

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting

We provide rainwater harvesting system service for you to enjoy cost saving benefits while contributing your support in environmental conservation. Utilizing existing structures for instance rooftops, parking lots, playgrounds, parks, ponds and floodplains, relatively clean rainwater can be collected and stored. This water can be used for a variety of purposes with little or no treatment whatsoever. Moreover, our rainwater harvesting and filtration system has far fewer negative environmental impacts as compared to other water resources development methods so that you can rest assured that you are not taking any health or environmentally related risk.

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting system can be used as the water source for irrigation system, sprinkler system and water feature namely:

We Are The Experts

Save Earth

We are looking forward to helping you to craft a sustainable water strategy be it for your home, school, company or plantation. It is always a prudent choice to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Call us now at 018-3866453 for your free quotes now!


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