Outdoor Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden

A recent statistics revealed that by the year 2050, it is estimated that urbanization would be prevalent and only a fifth of the global population of 3 billion living in rural areas. To feed the growing population, a very large amount of land is needed to accommodate the food demand from the global population.

Relying merely on advances in crop sciences to increase the yield per hectare is simply not feasible in coping with the rising demand especially when scientists are pessimistic towards the availability of the required farm land. On the other hand, vertical farms, with proper design, may help to fill the production gap of conventional farming by creating additional farmland beside creating a cleaner environment.

Create a Cleaner Environment

Vertical garden poses a myriad of benefits other than merely being aesthetically pleasing. One of them is to reduce the urban heat island effect which is the envelope of hot air that hovers over cities due to heat reflective panels such as glass panels and also the lack of vegetation. The aggregate of all the heat absorbed and generated by buildings, roads, and vehicles can result in temperature rise by a few degrees compared to their suburban and rural counterparts. Carbon dioxide and air pollutants which lead to greenhouse effect can be significantly reduced ideally by installing a vertical garden that does not take up much space at all, to begin with!

Affordable For Everyone !

Whether you are a commercial property owner, architect, professional landscape contractor, interior designer or landscape designer, Hydro Solution is proud to demonstrate its excellent vertical garden installation service on virtually any outdoor surface of any home or workplace. Simply put, we are confident in designing and creating an outdoor vertical garden that will leave a visual impact apart from doing Mother Nature a big favor. Call us now to get your free quotation!


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