Rainwater Harvesting and Filtration System

When it comes to rainwater harvesting, a system that you will always want to install is the filtration system. AlthoughClean Water rainwater is pure and clean when it is being formed in the sky, our atmosphere is, unfortunately, full of dust and dirt. From the moment the rainwater starts to fall from the sky, the dust and dirt all around the atmosphere begin to gather in the rainwater droplets. Not only this, the rainwater harvesting system often collects the rainwater that flowed through our rooftop.  The rooftop is a well-known dirt collector and the dirt will always be washed away along with the rainwater. Hence, the filtration system is a must if you wish to collect clean rainwater that is free from dirt and dust.

The simplest filtration system for rainwater harvesting would be the sand filtration system. A simple sand filtration system can be made using coarse sand and gravel. All you need is a three layer sand filter, with the first layer filled with gravel, followed by a layer of coarse sand and finally another layer of gravel.  Of course, the sand and gravel must be cleaned so that they are free from pollutants and harmful microorganisms.

Conserve Water

Save Water!

Reuse and Recycle

By utilizing the natural rainwater, there would be less consumption of water especially in a country with rain abundance such as Malaysia

Cost Saving

Save Precious Ringgits!

Save Money and Water!

By using the rainwater for domestic purposes such as watering the plants, there would be less water consumption and wastage which is a win-win situation for both Mother Nature and YOU! You can save money while doing Mother Nature a BIG favor!

Clean Water Guaranteed !

RainIf you are looking for a filtration system for rainwater harvesting, you have come to the right place! We provide a variety range of filtration system that will surely meet your needs. Our filtration system is developed using the state-of-art technology coupled with efficient rainwater harvesting tank to ensure that the rainwater you are collecting is 100% free from dirt and dust.

With the filtered clean rainwater, you can use it to do almost everything that you could think of, from washing your car and your house, irrigation system as well as to water the flowers via sprinkler system in your beautiful garden. Well, if you want to drink it, a more proper treatment is needed, though. In other words, you will need an exclusive rainwater harvesting system for drinking water.

To reduce your water bill, be sure to get a rainwater harvesting and filtration system, a system that is able to help you produce free water for your daily use.  Water is an essential element in our daily life, why should we pay for it when Mother Nature has provided us with a natural source of water – the rain?


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