Automated Garden Watering System

Sprinkler System Piping

Create Your Beautiful Garden TODAY

A garden is a beautiful thing – but, a lot of work must be done in order to achieve it. Initially, you have to put in a lot of effort to start your garden. Buying the seeds, choosing the location, getting the right soil. But all the initial work would count for nothing if subsequent efforts are not enough. This is where many fails – watering.

Watering is the essential step in maintaining the look and health of your garden. If watering is not done correctly, the beautiful garden you envisaged will not happen. While watering is easy enough, many of us are not doing it correctly. We water at the wrong time, with the wrong amount and in the wrong frequency. The good news is that – all these problems can be prevented if you install an automated garden watering system.

Save Over 50% More Water

Essentially, the system is comprised of fixed sprinklers linked to a controller which automatically activates the sprinkler at preset times. The controller can be programmed accordingly to water at a precise time and with the right amount of water. This not only saves water, but it also maximizes the usage of water, making sure that your garden only receives the amount of water that it needs, no more no less. In the process, you can save over 50% more water than you would normally waste using the traditional watering method.

Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds!

There is no question that sprinkler system coupled with the use of drip irrigation is the comprehensive solution towards realizing a beautiful landscape. You get to enjoy the best of both worlds!  Undeniably, sprinkler system design, piping and installation is a big job, which is why it is crucial to hire a trustworthy irrigation company such as ours to get the job done efficiently and effectively without the need for costly maintenance in the future. You can sit back and relax while we handle all the complicated sprinkler system installation. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Call us now for our latest offers!


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